Paper on generating sorting networks at DAC 2012

This week I will be traveling to the Design Automation Conference (DAC) in San Francisco, where Marcela Zuluaga will be presenting our collaborative work (with Markus Püschel) on generating sorting network hardware. You can find the paper here. The work described in this paper forms the basis for the Spiral Online Sorting Network IP Generator.

“Computer Generation of Streaming Sorting Networks.” Marcela Zuluaga, Peter Milder, and Markus Püschel. Design Automation Conference (DAC), 2012.

Abstract: Sorting networks offer great performance but become prohibitively expensive for large data sets. We present a domain-specific language and compiler to automatically generate hardware implementations of sorting networks with reduced area and optimized for latency or throughput. Our results show that the generator produces a wide range of Pareto-optimal solutions that both compete with and outperform prior sorting hardware.

DAC12 results


This entry was posted on June 01, 2012.